Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital (MMCH), situated in Mymensingh, Bangladesh, is the 9th site of the CCBOC trial. This site received approval for subject enrollment on December 19, 2023, and enrolled its first patient on December 24, 2023. The Principal Investigator of the MMCH site is Professor Dr. Mohammad Khurshed Alam; Co-Principal Investigators are Dr. Md. Mohiuddin Khan and Dr. Md. Rasel. The site currently has a team of nine members, including the Site Trial Coordinator Mahmudul Hasan; Clinical Research Assistants Dr. Taslima Nasrin, Dr. Delwar Hossain Jibon, Dr. Md. Safiqul Islam, and Dr. Sayed Arman Ahmed; and Clinical Research Nurses Liza Akter, Zannatul Maoa Supti, Sabber Alom, and Asia Akter. The site is located at the Department of Medicine, Women's Ward No.-27, 3rd floor, equipped with 2 beds and necessary medical equipment such as cardiac monitors, syringe pumps, infusion pumps, suction machines, etc.