Membership Guideline

Membership Guideline
Article – 5: Eligibility for Membership
a. a medical degree from a University in Bangladesh or abroad,
b. a graduation degree from any recognised university and 5 years experience
in a field related to toxicology. and
c. At least one publication, research or presentation or books or monographs in
an international, national or sub-national level in the field of toxicology.
Article – 6: Categories of Membership
(1) Membership shall be of the following categories,
i. Category A - General Member,
ii. Category B - Life Member,
(2) Category A & B members should fulfill the eligibility criteria of the Article 4 and should
have paid the prescribed fees to obtain the membership, which shall be decided at the
Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Category A & B members shall hold office or vote at AGM.
Article – 7: Application for Membership
1. Every application for membership shall be on the relevant form set
out in schedule III hereto and shall be accompanied by the appropriate membership fee
payable for that category of membership sought by the applicant.
2. Every application shall be tabled at a meeting of the Executive
committee (EC), which is hereby empowered:-
(a) to admit the applicant as a member of the Society in the proper category; or
(b) to refuse to admit the applicant as a member; or
(c) To call for any further information which it deems necessary or relevant for a proper
consideration of the application.
Article – 8: Membership Card & Register of Members
(1) the General Secretary of the Society shall:-
a. Issue each member of the Society a membership card, upon the receipt of the
subscriptions together with the duly filled membership application form.
b. Maintain a Register of Members, according to the respective categories.
(2) The Register shall be kept up to date and shall be available for
inspection during office hours by any member on a request made in writing to the
General Secretary.
(3) Every member shall notify the General Secretary of any
subsequent change in his name, residential address or nature or place of employment. It
shall be the duty of the General Secretary to acknowledge in writing any such notification
of change and make the necessary alterations in the Register.
Article – 9: Membership Fee
1. The membership fee (annual and life) which shall be payable annually will be
such as is determined by the EC from time to time.
2. The membership fee shall be payable on or before the 30th day of December
each year and where a member fails to do so be shall not be entitled to vote at any
meetings of the Society and shall lose all rights and preveilage of membership until he
has paid in full such membership fee arid any arrears thereof due from him.
3. The Treasurer shall issue to each member a receipt in respect of such
membership fee received by him.
Section IV
Termination of Membership
Article – 10: Termination of Members:
Membership of the Society shall be terminated automatically in any of the following
a. On a sentence of imprisonment for any criminal offense by a Court of Law in
Bangladesh or abroad;
b. On erasure/expulsion from membership of any professional body.
c. On the default in the payment of subscriptions due to the Society for a continuous
period of 2 years after they fall due.
d. Members, who are in arrears of subscriptions for more than 3 months after the AGM,
shall not be eligible to participate in the activities of the Society and not stand for
election for any office in the Society.
Article – 11: Other modes for termination of members
Membership of the Society may also be terminated in any of the following ways:-
Termination by resignation
a. By resignation subject to one month previous by notice in writing given to the Society
and payment, of resignation all subscription (if payable) then due;
Termination by expulsion
b. By expulsion (after inquiry in the manner expulsion prescribed by Article 11 (1), (2),
(3) & (4) on the ground that the conduct of the member is detrimental to the honor
and interests of the Society or is calculated to bring the Society into disrepute or
contempt or on the grounds that the member has willfully and persistently refused to
comply with or has committed a willful breach of the provisions of this Constitution.
Article – 12: Procedure for expulsion
1. Where any member acts in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Society or in
the manner described in Article 10 (b) .the EC shall, after a preliminary inquiry at
which the member shall be given an opportunity of giving an explanation, forward a
report of its findings to an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.
2. The meeting convened for such purpose shall, if it thinks expedient to do so, appoint
a committee from among the members of the Society other than the EC, to inquire
into and report on the allegations made against the member.
3. The Committee shall before making its report give the said member an opportunity of
being heard in person,
4. An Extraordinary General Meeting