Target Product Profiles (TPPs)

15th December, 2023

WHO has released draft target product profiles (TPPs) for equine plasma-derived snake antivenoms in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. View the draft TPPs and submit feedback at To participate:

  1. Download the draft TPPs from the links at the bottom of the page.
  2. Read them carefully.
  3. Complete the feedback form, specifying technical comments or areas needing clarification.
  4. Submit the form with feedback to WHO ([email protected]) by the indicated deadline.

BanTropTox 2022

25th November, 2022

11th National conference on Tropical Medicine and Toxicology was organized by Toxicology Society of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Society of Infectious and Topical Diseases. The event was organized by Department of Medicine, Sylhet, M.A.G Osmani Medical College Hospital.