The CCBOC-RCT journey started in 2020 under the auspices of the CMCH site. The journey began with getting approval from BMRC, DGDA, and DGHS consecutively dated 23 June, 14 August, and 12 March 2019. At the same time, the CMCH site got ethical clearance on 12 November 2019. Professor Aniruddha Ghose is the local Principal Investigator at this site. This site is located at the Department of Medicine; unit- 13, 14 & 16. Three HDU corners are dedicated for the trial patients which are equipped with infusion pumps, syringe pumps, cardiac monitors and one ventilation machine. On 11th December 2020, we enrolled the first patient at the CMCH site which was also the first patient of the trial. As of 18 January 2023, 604 number of patient have been screened of which 259 patients have been enrolled for this trial. There are 5 clinical research assistants and 4 clinical research nurses along with site trial coordinator serving for the CCBOC-RCT trial at the CMCH site.